- Comment on Don't call it a Substack 3 months ago:
Substack is, just as a reminder, a political project made by extremists with a goal of normalizing a radical, hateful agenda by co-opting well-intentioned creators’ work in service of cross-promoting attacks on the vulnerable.
Yeah. That’s not the truth of the matter. That’s someone disagreeing with some content they publish and deciding to cancel them. Medium does the same shit. You pay them. Write whatever drivel you want. They host and publish it. They’re making money. You get a platform. Substack is a business. Businesses exist to profit. There are plenty of credible publishers on Substack, but someone read something distasteful on the fringe, and got a hate boner and decided to label them “extremeists”. Same shit we see every day.
- Comment on Any recommendations for a low-cost, low-hassle printer? 3 months ago:
The implication is that if you want something of quality you are going to expect to pay for that quality.
If it’s cheap then corners were cut. Several years ago the tech was just as you described. Not perfect. I bought an ender 3 pro and it wasn’t perfect. I sank a lot of money into it to get an “acceptable” result. It sounds like you selected hard-mode and chose a Delta. I can’t imagine what you went through. I hope you’re ok.
I recently got back into the hobby, and decided to spend more for a better quality printer. Prusa was the Cadillac back when I was toiling in upgrades. What I have found is that newer printers and and slicer software have made a drastic leap forward. Things are markedly better all around.
Based on my journey I suggest you spend more for quality. Right now that’s Bambu lab and prusa. Prusa is behind, but the customer service is there. Bambu is going through some legal troubles, so that is something to consider.
I chose Prusa, but it was a tough choice. I probably would have been just as happy with Bambu, but I would have paid more.
I think because it’s been a a minute since you’ve dabbled you’ll find things have improved. Maybe don’t buy a delta. The Prusa MK4s bed slinger is the fastest bed slinger. The Bambu core XY is faster and comes with an enclosure. Prusa just announced a Core XY but it wont ship for months and it smaller in build dimensions.
As far as budget printers go, I haven’t wasted any time looking into them. I wasn’t gonna mess around and find out this time. Maybe there is something out there that would make you happy, but I’m not going to gamble and suggest one.
- Comment on New Attack Lets Hackers Downgrade Windows to Exploit Patched Flaws. 4 months ago:
The two D’s are for a “double-dose of pimpin”.
- Comment on Can someone give me an overview on the Jill Stein situation? 4 months ago:
She has not gone out of her way to criticize Trump, and has instead treated both Trump and Harris as being equally bad…
I’m sold.
- Comment on Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania DLC Coming - 31st October 4 months ago:
… I’m pretty sure their pixel art was “heavily inspired” by Castlevania from the start. The last time I played it I noticed it started shifting away from that.
- Comment on ‘Unknown 9: Awakening’ Arrives To 200 Steam Players, Poor Reviews 4 months ago:
What is the actual quality of the game?
Did you know about this game? Did you buy and play this game? Did you actually like this game?
Are you one of the ~220 people who bought this game and didn’t spread the word to their friends.
It sounds to me like this game sucks. Maybe it was rotten from the start. Maybe they were forced to hire a bunch of mentally ill people with a massive chip on their shoulder to ‘advise’ and change the game to tick some boxes on a list. ( don’t you just love having fun according to a list of prescribed requirements? ) We will probably never know the truth.
- Comment on space 5 months ago:
Space is vast. Just like dat ass.
- Comment on FTC Says Social Media Platforms Engage in 'Vast Surveillance' of Users 5 months ago:
The new-ish Federal Trade Commission head has been making a push to work on quite a few projects for the past couple of years. They have a very small resources and man-power compared to the war chests of multibillion companies, but recently, somehow managed to bring charges against Google on monopoly charges. This in my opinion is a good thing. I consider myself a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. I don’t like how our government seems to take the money of these companies and turn a blind eye as they do what they want in pursuit of the almighty dollar. I support her endeavors working for the interests of the people and not those with the money.
- Comment on Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props 5 months ago:
The best upgrade I made for the Ender 3 for adhesion was a PEI coated build plate. I don’t know the specs of the V2, but the brand I went with was “Wham Bam Systems” mine didn’t have a magnetic bed so I had to purchase the kit with the magnetic plate, and stainless steel PEI coated build surface. It was nice being able to pull off the plate and pop prints off of it. Be careful printing PETG on PEI it can fuse to the PEI
If the V2 has some sort of leveling system make sure it’s working correctly or the PEI sheet isn’t really going to help. I had so many failures where the print head crashed into the sheet and gouged it. I added a BLTouch probe and flashed the firmware and it got much better.
- Comment on Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props 5 months ago:
Creality is good because they brought an entry level 3d printer to market for an affordable price, and people like me got into the hobby because of that. The price point shows in the parts they use to assemble it. I’ve clocked countless hours learning how to correct failures, and upgrade the cheap parts for better, more reliable parts, add features, modify and flash firmware.
Five and a half years ago I bought that ender 3 pro. I think it was around $250 USD. I probably spent over $300 more upgrading it and replacing parts. In retrospect I shouldn’t have cheaped out, but that’s the conclusion I came to. I no longer want to waste time fixing the printer. If I walk away and don’t print anything for weeks/months at a time I’d like to have confidence when I fire it up it’s going to work.
I ordered a Prusa MK4S about a month ago which was the top-end hobbyist printer back then, and I am blown away by the difference. Prusa may not be the top at the moment, but the quality and support is there.
I recommend that unless you have the free time, you’re willing to tinker, and are not easily frustrated, you should look into a higher quality brand.
- Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago:
Ethernet speeds historically were measured in 10/100/1000. In my past life I worked for an a small rural isp. And part of my learning I was taught that cat5 was 8 wires, or 4 twisted pairs. If one wire were cut a network card would negotiate down to its lowest speed. It’s possible with those numbers you had a bad connection, or a broken strand in the cable and it auto negotiated to 10mbps.
- Comment on Best way to keep a hot spare SD card for a raspberry pi? 6 months ago:
I’ve had very bad luck with raspberry Pi’s and SDCards. They just don’t seem to last very long. I swapped to usb storage and things got somewhat better. I just had a usb drive die after 3 to 4 years of use. When I was still using SD it seemed like multiple times a year.
My approach for this is configuration backup not the entire os. I think this approach is better for when it’s time to upgrade the os or migrate to a new system.
For my basic Pi running WireGuard and DNS, I keep an archive of notes on steps to reconfigure the system after a total loss. Static configs are backed up once, and If there are critical configuration items that change then I back those up weekly. I’ve got two systems (media related servers, not Pi’s) that I keep ansible playbooks to configure 90% of the system from scratch so it’s as hands off as it can be.
- Comment on What self hosting feels like (It's painful, please help 🥲) 7 months ago:
Old I.T. Proverb: Documentation is like sex. Even bad documentation is better than no documentation at all.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
The Democrats are out of time, and they could rush to nominate her as their candidate in August. It’s likely they will find the best polling candidate, and I hope they look for someone outside the Biden/Harris administration. Someone without the baggage of the last four years and complicit in hiding the condition of the current president.
Personally I hope they ask Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to lead. (If she will accept) Of all the possible nominees I’ve read about she has the most experience.
- Comment on dumbass 7 months ago:
As long as we’re taking the “high road” and kicking someone in the gut for the way they look could someone link to who this is and what they said?
- Comment on Advice to upgrade from 2slots sbc to a 4/5 slots NAS 9 months ago:
Synology Diskstation DS1522+ $699.00 Synology Diskstation DS1621+ $899.99
Some of those apps are available through the community package center. If not then you can run a docker environment or a virtual machine on the DS and run whatever you want. It’s got a lot more horsepower than a single board computer, but I still recommend separation of duties and let the NAS be a NAS. Put your services on a server or separate virtual environment.
- Comment on Any recommendations for monitoring my servers? 1 year ago:
Influxdb is a “time series” database for storing metrics. Temperatures, ram usage, cpu usage with time stamps. Telegraf is the client side agent that sends those metrics to the database in json format. Prometheus does pretty much the same thing but is a bit too bloated for my liking, so I went back to Influx.
- Comment on Any recommendations for monitoring my servers? 1 year ago:
Grafana, influxdb, telegraf agents. Easy to setup. Barely any configuration required. Everything you asked for in the default telegraf agent config. There are dashboards with plenty of examples on grafanas website.
- Comment on Why is real estate "real?" 1 year ago:
In terms of law, real relates to land property and is different from personal property while estate means the “interest” a person has in that land property. -Wikipedia