Performance is all but irrelevant in this case
Comment on Best way to keep a hot spare SD card for a raspberry pi? 6 months agoZFS isn’t going to perform well on a Raspberry Pi 6 months ago 6 months ago
You say that but when the system starts to lock up you might change your tune 6 months ago
Why would it lock up? ZFS will use as much RAM as you give it and it doesn’t seem CPU-bound unless you turn on encryption. It’s not Ceph. Why do you expect ZFS to lock up and Btrfs not to? 6 months ago
I used it on a Pi 4 in 2019 for an USB-connected mirror and it worked well. Unencrypted throughput was upwards from 200MB/s. Encrypted throughput dropped down to under 100MB/s due to insufficient compute. 6 months ago
It’s a 4gb pi4, think it could boot from ZFS? 6 months ago
You could boot from from an SD and then store data on a external drive. I would go Btrfs over ZFS unless you have at least 3 or more disks 6 months ago
I would try it. My only issue is I have no idea how to set it up on root on a Pi. Perhaps there’s docs somewhere. If had to setup a new Pi with Pi OS/Debian/Ubuntu today I’d definitely try it. Most of my Pis are running OpenWrt though.