Comment on Anime Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [Week 32] 6 months agoIf you are not interested in it by the halfway point, I likely won’t be able to convince you otherwise, but with this being one of my all-time favorites, I feel you have made some unfair characterizations. I don’t want to spoil anything in case you decide to revisit it in the future or for anyone that hasn’t gotten to it, but without seeing the entire story, you aren’t getting the explanations for the things that are annoying you. The threads of the story that are dangling to keep you intrigued seem to be having the wrong effect on you.
I feel Steins;Gate is one of the classic the more you watch it, the more you love it things. There’s a good bit going on, from multiple POVs, and it’s coming to you out of order, especially on a first watch. So as it’s already annoyed you, I don’t think you should force yourself to watch it, but maybe start it over in a few months or something when you can give it more patience. I loved the story and all the characters, even before I got all the answers to everything, so it just may not be a thing for you, but I urge you to not cross this off your watch list for good. 6 months ago
This is a fair take. I remember watching it and being mostly confused until I got past the halfway point or so. That being said, if the first half’s plot threads that it waves at you aren’t catching piquing your interest, then the payoff when things get explained later probably isn’t going to be terribly satisfying. 6 months ago
I always think it’s like episodes 8 when things “get real” in the show, which would still be a long time, but I looked it up and it is ep 12. It definitely does not meet the 3 episode rule for watching.