Comment on What's a good job for someone with brain damage? [Serious] 7 months agoI appreciate that you’re thinking about me. I would point out, however that this is not a recent occurrence. I suspect it is the result of repeated blows to the head, throughout my childhood. It doesn’t seem to impact anything other that organisation/concentration.
I actually expected to find something (not necessarily lesions) in pretty much the exact place that it was. I’m just really glad it’s not a brain tumor. 6 months ago
I am sorry you got hit as a kid… It’s a good reminder to us all to be careful and loving. 6 months ago
Struck by lightning (3yo), Cycling accident (10yo), scooter 🛴 accident (15 yo), crane hook to the temporal lobe (17yo), fall down concrete stairs (18 yo), knee in the head while drunk wrestling (19 yo), and faceplanted on the asphalt trying to jump over a Wheely bin wile in an “altered state” 🚬🫠 (21). Not child abuse, just my own stupidity. 6 months ago
The lightning incident is wild, certainly…!
I would also say that this is just you being you, though, right… Obviously, it’s regrettable all that happened and I am sorry to hear that it has impacted your health, but I would not call it stupidity. It’s just living life to the fullest and… perhaps a bit recklessly.
I am a former alcoholic - I know a thing or two about hurting myself through bad choices…! 6 months ago
I’ve never actually had any dependencies, just poor impulse control. I’m slow to say no to people when they invite me to get wasted with them.