The Nazi party fled to many corners of the globe. Fascism exists outside of the Nazi party. Between those two things, fascism never really died. The Nazi party was shut down, made illegal in much of Europe. The other fascists welcomed those that made it out. Most modern day fascists that use Nazi imagery are called neo-nazis. Not the same group from WW2. Neo-nazis have been around for decades. Until recently they were not nearly as organized. 7 months ago
Not promoting violence but can we do something against them to make them feel marginalized? 7 months ago
I’m honestly not sure. You could try doxing the lower ranks, they need jobs and employers don’t usually love Nazis. 7 months ago
Just thought I would cash in on making fun of all the nazi bullshit if someone would sponsor me LOL. 7 months ago
Now that’s an idea. I’d join that patreon. 7 months ago
Get a photo of his ugly mug. Get an old, cheap laser printer. I recommend a Kyocera fs-3900 or something similar because the toner can be found cheap. Print out rumors, gossip, lies. Post them all over the neighborhood. Let the community know he is a Nazi (if that will help)