Comment on Question about Australian towns 7 months ago
In many towns, the RSL (Returned Servicemans League) was the only place a family could go that was licensed, but also family friendly. And where there is an RSL, there is ANZAC commemoration.
And on ANZAC day itself, most of Australia turns towards military commemoration, because ANZAC
So you’ll be hard pressed finding a town that doesn’t have any military commemoration. But in my experience growing up in country town Australia, outside of the RSLs and ANZAC day, most towns don’t really have much military interest or history. 7 months ago
Ah yes, many of the ones I went to didn’t have military history. Yet they made worship monuments just for the war in general. As a kind of obligation or something. I see RSL as just a place where people can go to gamble, so I don’t even really associate it with military. It was much later that I learned that it’s not just a gambling and drinking club, but something related to military which was a very weird mix to me.
ANZAC… yes… I dislike that a lot, but you can just avoid any event, unlike monuments everywhere.
Did your city not have any monument? 7 months ago
I can’t think of any such monuments (aside from Anzac ones) in my home town or the nearby towns. But I grew up in NSW, not QLD. I don’t know how they compare 7 months ago
Which town was it if you don’t mind me asking? Or maybe you could PM me if it’s sensitive information? Is it cold? It’s another thing I’m avoiding, which is why I’m all over Queensland. Thanks 7 months ago
I grew up around the Moree/Narrabri area