Your presidential candidate is an actual sex predator, your political party consistently erodes the rights of women, and I guarantee none of you could name either woman boxer from the story without checking twice. Your credibility when it comes to what misogyny is is nil 6 months ago
Biden’s pullout from Afghanistan left a country where women are stoned to death for attending school.
But sure, it’s the Republicans eroding the rights of women. 6 months ago
You literally just got done eviscerating abortion rights and are in the process of going after IVF and birth control. You get to shut the fuck up about women basically forever. The right has absolutely zero moral credibility here. None. Zilch. Don’t pretend to suddenly care about women in Afghanistan, you ghoul. 6 months ago
@originalfrozenbanana @intensely_human "Everyone who disagrees with me on the personhood of fetuses hates women" type beat 🤣 6 months ago
Yeah just me and all major scientific and medical establishments over here “disagreeing” with you about medical fact but ok you do you bby 6 months ago
@intensely_human @originalfrozenbanana To be fair to #JoeBiden, the state of affairs in #Afghanistan isn't really our foremost priority. We probably shouldn't have even gone there in the first place. Unless they're threatening us, what happens over there is their business.