Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago
Darksky could do it back in the day more or less. you’d get messages that it would rain in about 15 minutes and stop in the next 30.
Thing is, precep maps don’t work everywhere. You’re probably in a location like me where a thick front rolling through will almost always bring rain. If you get into warmer tropical climates, rainclouds will just poof out of nowhere and drop rain on your ass while other crazy fronts will pass over with nothing but some dark clouds. 7 months ago
Apple bought darksky, and Apple Weather now has that feature that notifies you before it rains. 7 months ago
yeah, i don’t run apple so they don’t exist for me anymore. 7 months ago
That sucks. It is so frustrating when large companies shut down widely used public APIs. 7 months ago
I can't really describe to you how angry I was when that shit went through. Like... I knew it was ridiculous to get so angry but, I LOVED THAT FREAKING APP. 7 months ago
Apple butchered the integration. I fucking hate the stock iOS weather app 😤🤬 7 months ago
OMG I had no idea. Ouch. 7 months ago
Oh, yeah. Not only did they take it away from all Android users, they also killed the API that let other apps access it. I wrote an open-source tool that made Dark Sky data available to Wear OS watch faces. It worked beautifully for several years, until Apple killed it.
The worst of it is that was my second attempt. An earlier version of the same tool worked with Weather Underground data. Then IBM bought it, changed the API completely, and priced it so that only business could afford it.
I haven’t had the heart to try a third time. 7 months ago
Just putting it out there, but the National Weather Service has a free API here. 7 months ago
LOL. Thanks for your service. I think you should let yourself off with time served ;-) 7 months ago
😉 7 months ago
Does most weather data in the US ultimately come from No idea about API but maybe it can be scraped from the web.