Yes I use no-ip but have to confirm the domain name every month or so and cant use my own domain on the free tier. (Maybe im just being cheap) - Also I haven’t been able to figure out how I would use / get SSL certificates.
Comment on Dynamic IP - Self hosting 7 months ago
Since you run already OpenWrt, you can check out
There is a list on this page of compatible services. If you don’t want to use one more service (DNS), you can use a domain registrar with an API (like porkbun) and find online tools that work with that.
Be aware of the risks of hosting your websites publicly from home, make sure to run them in very isolated environments. Having your VPS compromised is bad, but having your home network compromised is much worse! 7 months ago 7 months ago
Try duckdns, it doesnt nag you every month and it just works 7 months ago
Yes, I have used it in the past and it was annoying…
You can get SSL certs with letsencrypt, but you need to use the http verification method. 7 months ago
Not anymore, it supports txt records now 7 months ago
That lists as a ddns provider.
They are pretty great, I use them as my domain host. 7 months ago
Agree - Not something I will throw myself into.