solid-state battery
They can’t do what you describe. 7 months ago
Hope they arent lipo. Have had two of those balloon up on me so far and wouldnt want one to set my car on fire from thermal runaway
solid-state battery
They can’t do what you describe.
from what i understand, most vehicles use LiFe battery technology, which is almost innert compared to LiPo technology, phones use Li ion batteries which are different from both of those.
Lithium batt technology sucks.
Both my samsung phones as well as all the lgs ive had used lipo batteries. Both lgs and one samsung (so far) have swollen enough to push the display out of the bezel.
please inform me whether those batts said “li-ion” on them, or “LiPo” on them, because those are different.
Most modern phones, to my knowledge, use li-ion batts.
LiPo has sort of become a catch all for lithium batts, but it’s not accurate.
They were all non removable so nothing to see but the swollen cases.
What the hell are you doing to your phones? Across all the different brands I’ve used with lipo batteries in the past ~20 years, I’ve never had one get swollen.
they do that with time, it’s inevitable, heat and cycling will also cause it to happen over time. 7 months ago
Solid state has zero possibility of doing either of those. That is one of the big selling points. The others are that they are 30-50% get, they last longer, and they can charge faster.