Minimal Viable Product. They shiped it with only one coin to avoid having to spend too much time on implementing every possible coin protocol. But they says that they will add more of them in the future, and, maybe, even fiat currencies.
Minimal Viable Product. They shiped it with only one coin to avoid having to spend too much time on implementing every possible coin protocol. But they says that they will add more of them in the future, and, maybe, even fiat currencies. 5 months ago
I would prefer a privacy conscious alternative to Google Wallet first, then add the crypto stuff, but that’s just me 5 months ago
What does a privacy conscious version even look like?
Some things simply aren’t legal anymore like buying crypto without identification. 5 months ago
You can still do it, it’s just more annoying. 5 months ago
Problem is, as they said in their bloc post, that to handle real money they have to get the required authorisation from the Swiss bank authority.