Comment on Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy" 7 months agoThe bigger issue is the utterly deranged way in which they push definitions out. They’ve figured out a way to change kernel drivers without actually putting it through any kind of testing process. Utterly absurd way of doing it. I understand why they’re doing it that way but the better solution would have been to come up with an actual proper solution with Microsoft, rather than this work around that seems rather like a hack. 7 months ago
This is the biggest issue. Devs will make mistakes while coding. It’s the job of the tester to catch them. I’m sure some mid-level manager said “let’s increase the deployment speed by self-signing our drivers” and forced a poor schmuck to do this. They skipped internal testing and bypassed Microsoft testing. 7 months ago
That mid-level manager also has the conflicting responsibility to ensure the necessary process is happening to reliably release, and that a release can’t happen unless that process happened. They goofed, as did their manager who prized cheapness and quickness over quality
Let them all from the CEO down suffer the consequences that a free market supposedly deals