Comment on Help with a AMD GPU in truenas scale 7 months ago
Which driver is currently enabled? Radeon or amdgpu?
Comment on Help with a AMD GPU in truenas scale 7 months ago
Which driver is currently enabled? Radeon or amdgpu? 7 months ago
Thanks for the answer.
Just checked with lspci -v and it says radeon:
Is that the one it’s supposed to be active?
About the allocate thing, I think that is a number and not an index in an array. I think that you can allocate as many gpus you want:
I’ve seen that same menu in screenshots and I’m supposed to be able to choose something different from zero. 7 months ago
Since this is GCN based, you may be able to use the newer AMDGPU kernel driver? I’m not sure about that specific SKU, however. I remember that using AMDGPU on, for example, Hawaii (like the R9 290) was particularly finicky 7 months ago
Not sure how to change the driver to AMDGPU, I blacklisted the Radeon driver but the kernel didn’t load the other one. I read somewhere that I have to do a initframs update but the command doens’t exist in truenas scale. How do I force to load the other driver? 7 months ago
For that card, you probably have to set the
radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1
kernel options to allow amdgpu to work. I don't have a TrueNAS system laying around so I don't know what the idiomatic way to change them is.Using amdgpu on that card has been considered experimental ever since it was added like 6 years ago, and nobody has invested any real efforts to stabilize it. It's entirely possible that amdgpu on that card is simply never gonna work. But yeah I think the radeon driver isn't really fully functional anymore either, so I guess it's worth a shot...