Comment on China is on track to reach clean energy targets six years early ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

In addition to wind power, China has fully embraced solar as an alternative source of clean energy. In June, it activated a 3.5-gigawatt, 33,000-acre solar farm outside Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital – the largest of its kind in the world. Not to be outdone, China announced plans for a behemoth 8 MW solar farm in the works as part of an $11 billion integrated energy project led by state-owned power company China Three Gorges Renewables Group.

These numbers are confusing. China uses about 3000 gigawatts of energy, 3.5 is 0.1%, but then it acts like 8MW will make the difference, but there’s 1000 MW in a gigawatt? So that’s like, 3.508 gigawatts?

I know this is far from everything China is doing, but it was just one piece of the article I decided to dig into. It would be nice to see numbers on what China’s goal is, how close they are, and how much they’re consuming, all in one graph
