Comment on The AI-focused COPIED Act would make removing digital watermarks illegal 7 months ago
For those who are saying just photoshop.
Obviously you can just use other software but PS is the main choice for image editing. What they need to do is put legislation in place and it will make the biggest players implement this form of drm. 7 months ago
The main goal is cementing the position of the giants, creating a bureaucratic mote around them to keep small players economically unviable. 7 months ago
People keep saying that, all the while ignoring that this bill is granting rights to small time creators to decide if they want their works used for machine learning.
Yes, this gives a head start to companies that have been abusing the system while it was still allowed. But stopping that behaviour too late is still better than not stopping it at all. 7 months ago
You said nothing about creators getting screwed for untold centuries, only when big corporations were threatened slightly did you speak up. 7 months ago
Small creators aren’t competition or an alternative to big tech.
If the only game in town is still big tech. You will need an army of lawyer to get leverage on them.