Comment on Meta to broaden hate speech policy to remove more posts targeting 'Zionists' 7 months agoSo have Muslims and Christians. Doesn’t give them the right to kill all the other people and take their land. Not to mention everything they do to encourage settler colonialism, like giving settlers a free pass from Europe or the US to come in and take homes from natives in the area. You can find so many examples of random people from Germany or New York who show up and are given a house that belonged to some Palestinian family for generations. 7 months ago
So your solution is to dissolve the state of Israel and leave the Jews there at the mercy of neighbours who would take their land and kill them on sight? Big brain time
The history of Israel’s formation is not relevant to today’s discussion. Most countries were founded on colonialism and war and oppression; it doesn’t mean the solution is “well actually let’s send everyone packing”