Comment on Borderlands 2 improved on everything I liked from B1 7 months agoI didn’t notice much difference in drop rate, I regularly picked up slightly improved weapons as I went through both games.
I much prefer the story-based experience of 2 to the static farming of 1 and most other games, but I was very confused and frustrated by the scaled low experience received from weaker enemies until halfway through the game because it’s a relatively innovative mechanic that is never introduced or explained.
If the experience leveling was explained organically in game, which I think they could have done easily with a couple of lines, I would have enjpyed it from the jump, knowing that I didn’t have to worry about waiting around in any one area to farm exp.
I had the opposite experience with the gameplay itself, two seems technically on its game to me where I felt 1 was very bare-bones.
I’ll have to go back after some time passes to look at 1 again.
I tried a second playthrough of one but got bored almost immediately, whereas I’m going through 2 with gusto right after completing the first playthrough. 7 months ago
In 1 any random enemy could drop purple or orange weapons, I don’t think I ever saw that in 2. In 2 you had to level up enemies or farm bosses to get any decent loot (or slot machines). 7 months ago
I don’t pay a lot of attention to the colors, but there are definitely purple ones in 2.
I feel like I wouldn’t noticed the orange among all the yellow.
In 2 I got standard shotguns that were 250* 10 pretty early on, and a sniper rifle that shot a thousand at level 15 and then a sniper rifle that shot 2000 damage at level 20 or so.
I feel like both games had so many powered weapons lying around that I didn’t pay much attention to maximizing power, though.