Comment on I hate Clouds - a personal perspective on why I think Clouds suck 7 months agoThe only problem is that the single instance also has 20 scenarios (and keeps the 2 as well), making it more brittle.
A well design system removes points of failure, disk, power and network are obvious ones, and as long as you keep it byzantine safe, anything you added should be redundant so if one fails the system still runs. Ideally you remove all of them but if there’s one hidden it’s still better than “the whole thing is a single point of failure”. 7 months ago
No, it’s not true. A single system has less failure scenarios, because it doesn’t depend on external controllers or anything that makes the system distributed and that can fail causing a failure to your system (which may or may not be tolerated).
This is especially true from a security standpoint: complexity adds attack surface.
Simple example: a kubernetes cluster has more failure scenarios than a single node. With the node you have hardware failure, misconfiguration of the node, network failure. With a kubernetes cluster you have all that for each node (each with marginally less impact, potentially, because it depends for example on stateful storage, that if you mitigate you are introducing other failure scenarios as well), plus the fact that if the control plane goes in flames your node is useless, if the etcd data corrupts your node is useless, anything that happens with resources (a bug, a misuse of the API, etc.) can break your product. You have more failure scenarios because your product to run is dependent on more components to work at the same time. This is what it means that complexity brings fragility. Looking from the security side: an instance can be accessed only from SSH, if you are worried about compromise you have essentially one service to secure. Once you run on kubernetes you have the CI/CD system, the kubernetes API, the kubernetes supply-chain, etcd, and if you are in cloud you have plenty of cloud permissions that can indirectly grant you access to the control plane and to a console. Now you need to secure 5-6-7 entrypoints to a node.
Mind you, I am not advocating against the use of complex systems, sometimes they are necessary, but if the complexity is not fully managed and addressed, you have a more fragile system. Essentially complexity is a necessary evil to respond to some other necessities.
This is the reason why nobody would recommend to someone who needs to run a single static website to run it on Kubernetes, for example.
You say “a well designed system”, but designing well is harder the more complexity exists, obviously. Redundancy doesn’t always work, because redundancy needs coordination, needs processes that also depend on external components.
In any case, I agree that you can build a robust system within Cloud! The argument I am trying to make is that:
And mind you, everything you can do in Cloud you can also do on your own, if you invest on it. 7 months ago
You make it redundant, I thought I didn’t need to say that… 7 months ago
I am specifically saying that redundancy doesn’t solve everything magically. Redundancy means coordination, more things that can also fail. A redundant system needs more care, more maintenance, more skills, more cost. If a company decides to use something more sophisticated without the corresponding effort, it’s making things worse. If a company with a 10 people department thinks that using Cloud it can have a resilient system like it could with 40 people building it, they are wrong, because they now have a system way more complex that they can handle, despite the fact that storage is replicated easily by clicking in the GUI. 7 months ago
Redundancy should be automatic. Raid5 for instance.
Plus cloud abstracts a lot of complexity. You can have an oracle (or postgres, or mongo) DB with multi region redundancy, encryption and backups with a click. Much, much simpler for a sysadmin (or an architect) than setting the simplest mysql on a VM. Unless you’re in the business of configuring databases, your developers should focus on writing insurance risk code, or telco optimization, or whatever brings money. Same with k8s, same with Kafka, same with cdn, same with kms, same with iam, same with object storage, same with logging and monitoring…
You can build a redundant system in a day like Legos, much better security and higher availability (hell, higher SLAs even) than anything a team of 5 can build in a week self-manging everything.