Flirc and any remote you want
Comment on is there a set top media player that doesn't require an online account? 8 months ago
Get a raspberry pi and a cheap wireless mouse and keyboard. 7 months ago 7 months ago
can even get used micro PCs on eBay for $100-150 that work very well, don’t need to learn a new os, can use Ubuntu and sites like 123movies or sflix with ublock origin. 7 months ago
Raspberry Pi OS is made to be easy enough for kids. It’s literally point and click. There’s nothing to learn. And Raspberry Pis can be much cheaper than that. You can get a Pi 4 2GB for $40. 7 months ago
I’ve been using a roku but this sounds like a better setup. 7 months ago
It takes a little getting used to but once you do it’s very comfy. And you can watch content from anywhere that supports viewing in a browser or Linux desktop app including some swashbuckling ones. Lol. 8 months ago
Yeah there are trackpad and keyboard that have the form factor of a TV remote. I use one with a Beelink mini Linux PC as my TV’s brain. 7 months ago
I bought one of those and it died in like a year. Took it apart to see if it could be fixed. The whole thing is just one big circuit board. No parts to replace. Ended up just chucking it and probably won’t buy another one. 7 months ago
The remote or the Beelink? 7 months ago
Remote. It was the Rii K06 Mini Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon. Only like $27 but I just don’t like creating that much ewaste. The battery in it still worked perfectly fine. The keys just started glitching out. Tried on several different computers all did the same thing. I kept it clean wasn’t any liquid or anything sticky on it. Even when I hit a button on the circuit board with it all taken apart it did the same thing.