Roboquest is one of the most enjoyable games I have played in years, And the devs seem to really care, every update has made the game significantly more enjoyable and they seem to be actually listening to player suggestions and feedback. Highly recommended if you want a fast paced FPS Roguelite.
If you’ve played Gunfire reborn and are expecting more of the same your going to be disappointed though.
Gunfire Reborn is Roguelite first, FPS second Roboquest is FPS first, Roguelite second.
Same concepta executed and implemented very differently. 8 months ago
Noita is probably my favorite game of all time, and it's an excellent rougelike. 8 months ago
It’s an amazing rogue like for sure. It’s tough to get started but before I knew it I had over 150 hours into it, a golden crown on my head and a golden amulet on my character. 8 months ago
Noita is great and extremely unique, but I dislike that once you find a few orbs of true knowledge your runs always start with getting those first. I’m usually too lazy to get the one at
the pyramid
before ending mines, unless I can get a good teleport spell. 8 months ago
I don't bother with those unless I'm specifically going for all the orbs. Like, I'll get the closest one, but I don't bother with the one you mentioned or the one that makes the boss spawn. There's usually enough health to be had once you know your formations, and if you want mondo amounts of health, there's always the heart mage trick. I don't go out of my way to dig gold in the mines for the same reason. You can win without doing it, and it just breaks up the flow too much imo.