Comment on Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc? 8 months agoThose are official abbreviations that can be found in a dictionary.
The ones OP posted aren’t all official. TBH and SMH are official. IMO is internet slang.
There’s not a lot of consensus on internet slang abbreviations in Danish. It was more common back in the texting days, when all girls would end their messages with an S for “smiling”, SS for “smiling sweetly”, or KKK for “hugs hugs and kisses”.
Someone once made an index:… 8 months ago
I remember this GG ^^
And then you gotta type your smiley faces with a nose :-D 8 months ago
Good game or grin grin. 8 months ago
I always read it as *griner griner*, even though i know it was supposed to be griner godt lol.
I feel like the difference between good game and laughing would be the asterixes.