I’ve noticed usually in the middle of the afternoon, before 4. Otherwise you’ll get the people who left early to go to Costco.
Weekends near the end of the day, oddly enough, usually are quiet as well.
Comment on People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are
IamAnonymous@lemmy.world 5 months agoSo when is your Costco not busy? Genuine question as I have gone there mid-day during the week and it will still be pack. One day I went 30 min before close and the parking lot was still full.
I’ve noticed usually in the middle of the afternoon, before 4. Otherwise you’ll get the people who left early to go to Costco.
Weekends near the end of the day, oddly enough, usually are quiet as well.
conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works 5 months ago
There’s busy and there’s “checkout lines literally to the back of the store”