Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago@Pastabatman 😅… you read my comment & thought I’d engage in political banter with you😅 don’t insult my intelligence😆. Only to reply with political comparisons. Tells me you didn’t comprehend. Any retorts rooted in political jargon tells me the message was lost. The analogy isn’t exhaustive…nor was it used as direct synonyms for Biden & Trump…
Perhaps this will help bring it home…a quarter…is still a quarter no matter hown you flip it, or what side it lands on… you still engaged in commerce…
Yall gotta stop reading stuff online and cherry picking whatever triggered your emotion, being willfully obtuse, dismissing everything before during and after lol it’s so funny😆
@dodgy_bagel - I just skipped to the latter part of your reply. Nothing happens until, if ever, the masses can have a common understanding that is based on truth. Expecting the very thing that oppresses you to free you is asinine. Expecting a broken system, a broken process to fix itself is less than smart… you’ve been hoodwinked and bamboozled, the fix was in and has been in for generations. It’s nonsense once you unpack it all and once you do you see the world, things, as they are, and not as they should be. All the brilliant minds in the world and THESE two are your options 🤣😂 why are people so content on elderly people, specifically old white males in office. Living on this planet is definitely interesting to observe…I just smh🙄 what good do your words do if they can’t understand you… 8 months ago
K. You don’t read my short reply then I don’t read past the first sentence of your long winded reply.
You’re not a serious person. 8 months ago
All relative. Typical reply when you’ve got nothing😅 8 months ago
Hey! You read all of my comment this time. Thank you for extending the bare minimum of effort.
So, in your view, nothing changes until the revolution and we’re all sheeple. Elections have no consequences. Answer me this:
For a trans woman, living in the American South, would another Trump presidency lower quality of life for her, or would it stay roughly the same? 7 months ago
I’m not trans so I couldn’t say. I’d have to do research.
I can say the continued LGBTQIALMNOPQRSTUV divisive behaviors aren’t doing anyone any favors. As long as its a separation, things will never evolve. Because they are treating certain sexual orientations as “special” when the root of that is a lack of. If being LGBTQIALMNOP wasn’t seen as “other” and just as regular as “straight” we wouldn’t have these silly debates and ignorant mindsets.
People have the right to live and exists, without needing an explanation for why they deserve to do so. This planet is so wicked and demonic. Hating someone because their sexual orientation, skin complexion, gender differs from your wheelhouse is insanity. Low intelligence.
I haven’t been alive long, yet long enough, I can’t think of 1 major issue that negatively impacted my life based on who was or wasn’t president. Fucked up, is fucked up, no matter whose in that chair. NONE of the past president’s have demonstrated anything on a higher level. They play to your emotions and it’s hilarious to sit back and watch people justifying bs…for generations they piss on your leg and tell you it’s raining… but I’m the conspiracy theorist for grabbing an umbrella… got it.
Also, if I’m anywhere,south north, ignorance is ignorance hate is hate. I don’t think it’s restricted to the south. I’m not trans but if the south was presenting serious issues, I’d be standing my ground, or relocating. Bullies stop being bullies when you fight back!