Pressed discs (like movies) are physically… pressed. They make a metal mould which is then stamped into melted plastic to make the pits and lands and then coated with a metal film to make the reflected backing, filling in the pits. This makes manufacturing of millions of disks extremely cheap since it takes seconds per disc. Burning commercial disks individually in thousands of burners would be way too slow/expensive. 8 months ago
Ah! Yes. Hm. Well then . . . where do distributors get theirs from? Not Sony, presumably? 8 months ago
Pressed discs have a completely different manufacturing method 8 months ago
? Did not know that. I assumed they were essentially WORMs but otherwise identical. Do they not use the same laser or something like that? 8 months ago
Pressed discs (like movies) are physically… pressed. They make a metal mould which is then stamped into melted plastic to make the pits and lands and then coated with a metal film to make the reflected backing, filling in the pits. This makes manufacturing of millions of disks extremely cheap since it takes seconds per disc. Burning commercial disks individually in thousands of burners would be way too slow/expensive.