For what, may I ask? Can you give an example? I'm on Debian, arguably a less friendly distro than most, but I haven't had to touch the terminal in two weeks. And it was just to ping a server somewhere, something you need to do on the command line in Windows as well. 8 months ago
How about setting the default audio device?
How about changing the default power profile?
Just for starters… 8 months ago
Why the hell would you need to open the terminal for any of that? It’s in your settings 8 months ago
It’s not 8 months ago
What's your distro? 8 months ago
Yes it is. You seem reluctant to tell anybody which distro you’re using, probably because you know they’d point out that it is in fact there.
Below I’m showing you how it is on my laptop running GNOME, the most used desktop environment. It’s similarly easy in KDE Plasma and Cinnamon. Even the more niche DEs like Pantheon, Budgie, XFCE, and LXQT have had that functionality for many years.
Change audio devices
Switch power profile
Bonus switch power profile
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I really don’t know why you’re lying about this. The terminal is not something you’d ever need to open for this.