Comment on Parliament will debate petition: Make lying in the House of Commons a criminal offence - 23rd October 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Great idea. Won’t happen though. The ministerial code already has something about this. The get out jail free card (literally) is that you have to prove intent of lying. Knowingly lied. That the key.

You saw how hard it was to get BoJo held to account. Imagine that shit show year round. Opposition will claim MP lied. MP will deny. “I didn’t knowningly lie”. “Yea you did”. And so on and so forth.

The principle is sound. But I can’t help thinking this is like a wrecking ammendment designed so that the sitting government (Tories in this case) say no because it will be deliberately unworkable and then for the opposition parties to go, “oh my days the Tories literally want to lie in parliament boo and hissssssss!!!”.

Would love to see this done properly via independent parliament HR. The stress is on independent and with proper powers and fact checking.
