And wages? They couldn’t pay the drivers as little as Uber by making them contractors.
Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months agoMultiple companies could have pooled resources to fund developing an app that they all used. They have existing inventory, employees, local government connections. They definitely could have outcompeted Uber if they had been able to get their heads out of their asses and even try.
Instead they ignorantly tried to kill Uber by suppressing innovation and service improvements that everyone wanted, which was doomed to fail from the start. They dug their own graves on this one. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Uber wouldn’t have been able to keep customers if big name, well-established taxi companies had really tried to compete with them. Middle aged adults (like me) would not have been inclined to jump into a stranger’s car no matter how cheap it was, if it was just as easy to get a licensed cab. 8 months ago
That’s exactly what banks did for quick money transfer. (not that they’re small businesses but) The mayor banks in the US got together made a joint company and created Zelle to compete with cashapp and all he other quick money transfer apps.