Comment on The Washington Post Wants You To Think the Economy Is Awful #45,706

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sj_zero ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

One of the risks of controlling to a certain number is that the number eventually stops being indicative of anything other than the degree to which it is controlled.

Inflation is higher than the government pretends, which changes everything. One example of this is housing which has become a dominant part of most people's budgets. Another example is food -- someone compared the cost of fast food in 2024 to fast food in 2019, and it's many multiples higher in cost. Those two things alone make up a large portion of people's budgets so changes to those prices represent mass inflation to people.

If we measured inflation the same way we did in 1990, first of all inflation measurements have been at least double what they have been, and second of all that increased inflation totally changes the story of "the greatest economic expansion on record". Instead it tells a story of 2008s financial crisis never ending.

The "official numbers" are bullshit. They stop reporting crime so crime claims to have gone down. They change the inflation numbers so inflation stays down. They post numbers they don't even believe then quietly revise them down after the press hoopla goes away month after month. We're all supposed to ignore the growing homeless camps everywhere.

I mean... The Soviet Union was doing better than ever before until the moment in 1992 it ceased existing.
