Comment on Mothers’ care is central factor in animal, human longevity. In species where offspring survival depends on the longer-term presence of the mother, the species tends to evolve longer lives and a slower

sj_zero ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I think this speaks to a specific thing that can be transferred to human beings. We often focus on the sacrifice for children which is true and real, but the study shows that parents need to take care of themselves because having your parents alive has an impact on you beyond your weaning stage. I think that even though this study is about primates, that's a truth that also applies to humans.

The article looks at females because it's using datasets from primates, but I also believe this would apply to some degree to both parents in human populations. There is data supporting the fact that the 2-parent household is more ideal than a single parent household (and a household with no surviving parents would be worse than that, even after the weaning period is over for a variety of reasons)

Primate societies would likely help tribemates who are not direct kin the same as humans do, but both primate societies and human societies see people helping others less than their direct kin. There's studies showing that stepparents are not the same as parents statistically in this regard.
