Comment on Scam Awareness Thread 8 months ago
Here’s a handy PDF:…/the-little-black-book-of-scams
Two tips I can think of are:
- financial institutions never include links in emails. They ask you to search for their website and login there
- Push back against any time pressure callers make. The police are never on their way during a call with the ATO. Stay calm and say you’ll call them back. That’s the last thing scammers want because you’ll call the real ATO and the problem won’t exist.
I’ve been thinking of something for more scam conscious people as well; you’d never say a lock can’t be broken or some software can’t be hacked, we should take the same approach and think we could be scammed at any time ourselves. It’s not that we’re immune to scams, it’s that we haven’t encountered one good enough to fool us yet 8 months ago
Absolutely! Complacency is one of the worst vulnerablilities you can have