Back then, when I wanted to watch a film, I checked Netflix first, then amazon video. I only reached for other sources if it was unavailable at both. Now there are way too many platforms to play for, and they are getting way too shitty to pay at all.
There was a time when I was even feeling good going “clean”. Now everything is dirtier than I ever imagined. 9 months ago
To be honest, I like watching SciFi and superhero movies yet cinemas are too expensive in my country. So, my fiance (Netflix) and I (Amazon Prime) bought thsse services and using together.
But guess what:
No HBO in my country, so no DC for me. Yet they are not selling DC to Turkey neither. So no DC movie for me after 2018(?)
Both Netflix and Prime just puts their content, and forget the rest for Turkey. For example I couldn’t watch Mad Max: Fury Road one month ago
They are doing some kind of censorship? You cannot watch too bloody, too sexual, too whatever content while there is no legal censorship on internet content. For example I can watch “Barda” (“at pub”) on Youtube but not on Prime.
So yes, why I am paying for TV channels wtih ads?