I think in the end it all comes down to putting power back into the hands of regulators — power that corporate America has been slowly and steadily eroding for the last 40 years.
A more powerful regulatory state could start enforcing the anti-trust laws we already have on the books by breaking up the massive tech monopolies. Once that’s done, new regulations and new legislation against anti-consumer practices are needed, but those will only work if the punishments scale high enough to work as an actual deterrent against the multi-billion dollar tech giants.
Of course, we’d also need massive, MASSIVE campaign finance and lobbying reforms so that monied interested aren’t able to sabotage the system all over again.
Or we could just bring back the guillotine… that would probably do the trick too.
rottingleaf@lemmy.zip 8 months ago
No quick way. There are too many regulations which are enforced badly and abused to actually support that “big fish”. Make them fewer and make the punishment swift and unavoidable and hard. And split a few of the worst offenders into parts each in one specific area - Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta are all good candidates.