You should try it anyway, I have a rooted lg oled running the latest firmware. Updated a couple of weeks ago.
Comment on You Can Now Jailbreak A PS4 With An LG TV 9 months ago
Not to be a Debby Downer, but you’d either need a LG TV which is already rooted, or one you can root (per the repo’s README, “RootMyTV is unlikely to work on firmware released since mid-2022” and given firmware downgrades are impossible…).
AFAIK firmware updates are opt-out by default, so as long as you connect your LG TV to internet, you’re likely to have received one, but I could be wrong. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Yeah I was excited about this but then realized I take every update LG puts out there, lol 9 months ago
my LG TV was up to date but I still managed to root it just recently, via this method:
it’s well worth it - rebinding the remote alone is sweet AF, plus the ad-free and sponsor-blocking YouTube is great 9 months ago
Holy crap really? I’ll check it out asap thanks! 9 months ago
Just rooted it… Worked perfectly, as free YouTube here I come!
I wonder if I should use Kodi on webos or stick to it being on my Chromecast, as it has more space and power I think 9 months ago
On the other hand, a person who would root a game console or TV is also likely to be the sort of person who would opt out of smart TV updates. 9 months ago
Maybe? You would need to know rooting a TV is even a possibility in the first place, I had no idea that was the case and I’ve had my LG TV for over 4 years.
I’m just pointing out some specifics of the prerequisites, which the article did a pretty bad job of highlighting imo, and how this is not the miraculous solution it’s somewhat touted to be. 9 months ago
Yes, that’s fair.
It would also be fair to acknowledge that hackaday is not touting a miraculous solution, but simply understands their audience. One would have to be very new to hardware hacks like this to be unaware that preconditions almost always exist.