It’s insane to think the loss of remote work is inevitable. My current job is in the beginnings of turning us hybrid and it’s causing talent loss. Our jobs are functionally the same even when sitting in a cubicle because everything we do is still done “remotely”. We still have to login to the VPN, access remote desktops, use browser based systems, communicate via email, etc. Even meetings with upper management are done through teams, because it’s just EASIER to do.
The only thing we gain from going in is the occasional donut. 1 year ago
So many roles can be fully remote. My job requires me I’m the office maybe 3 times a year. Why does that need to be hybrid?
The only ones pushing for this are the corporation’s bleeding out money in real estate rental costs.
When COVID hit and the lockdowns followed, I began working from home. They’ve asked for people to return to their offices and I’ve refused. I’m more productive at home and have a better work/life balance. 1 year ago
If it’s all about real estate costs, we’ll return to remote when leases are up. Do you think that’ll happen? Not a chance. 1 year ago
At this point, you are already in an hybrid situation: why do you think that “hybrid” only means “x days a week” and maybe not something like “every time I need” (be it 3 days a week or 3 days a year) ?