Comment on DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

On the other hand, there are things that a human artist is utterly awful at, that LLM-based generative AIs are amazing at. I mentioned that LLMs are great at producing works in a given style, can switch up virtually effortlessly. I’m gonna do a couple Spiderman renditions in different styles, takes about ten seconds a pop on my system:

Spiderman as done by Neal Adams:


Spiderman as done by Alex Toth:


Spiderman in a noir style done by Darwyn Cooke:


Spiderman as done by Roy Lichtenstein:


That’s something that’s really hard for a human to do, given how a human works, because for a human, the style is a function of the workflow and a whole collection of techniques used to arrive at the final image. Stable Diffusion doesn’t care about techniques, how the image got the way it is – it only looks at the output. So for Stable Diffusion, creating an image in a variety of styles is easy as pie, whereas for a single human artist, it’d be very difficult.
