Comment on Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Ahh… another, “You better vote for Genocide Joe. If you don’t, Genocide Donald is gonna eat ya!” article.

First: flood the Justice Department with stalwart conservatives unlikely to say “no” to controversial orders from the White House. Second: restructure the department so key decisions are concentrated in the hands of administration loyalists rather than career bureaucrats.

So basically do what any President already does.

Overhauling the Justice Department would allow the Trump administration to pursue conservative policy initiatives such as dismantling hiring programs meant to boost diversity in the workplace and ending federal oversight of police departments accused of racist practices.

So… the only change would be that the employee base would disappear if they were standing in front of a white wall. Its not like there’s much the DoJ seems to be able to do to keep the police in check with their “oversight”.

The general counsel provides legal advice to FBI employees regarding ongoing probes and other matters. Closing it would force the bureau to receive legal guidance from people closer to Trump’s attorney general in the chain-of-command and limit the FBI’s ability to conduct investigations without close political oversight, according to several Trump supporters and legal professionals with knowledge of the department’s workings.

Or the FBI agents will just decide they don’t have to ask anybody permission and act freely.
