Comment on Advice to upgrade from 2slots sbc to a 4/5 slots NAS 9 months ago
Synology Diskstation DS1522+ $699.00 Synology Diskstation DS1621+ $899.99
Some of those apps are available through the community package center. If not then you can run a docker environment or a virtual machine on the DS and run whatever you want. It’s got a lot more horsepower than a single board computer, but I still recommend separation of duties and let the NAS be a NAS. Put your services on a server or separate virtual environment. 9 months ago
I’d second this, if only because it’s super easy to run things on and OP explicitly said they don’t want to tinker with it. There is a limited list, imo, of buy and forget.
That’s said, I personally think a cheap little 4th gen or higher Intel based tiny/mini/micro would do a way better job on the services side, and just store on the NAS.