Nobody told them that they lose the more useful people first that way?
Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago
The push to return to office is nothing more than a push to thin out the numbers. Much cheaper for them to jump themselves than be pushed by management. 9 months ago 9 months ago
They did, but not in an excel spreadsheet so the message didn’t stick. 9 months ago
They still think a developer is a developer. 9 months ago
Also that the HR and management folks are the real useful people in a company. 9 months ago
I think it’s more these companies invested millions into either building the offices or renting them (and can’t get out of the lease) so to make it worth while they’re having people come back.
One of my offices moved to a larger building across the street because there wasn’t enough room for FTEs and contractors to come in 3 days a week. The larger building still isn’t large enough even for just FTEs so they rented a floor of another building and are making contractors go to that building 3 days a week. They’re going to an office to still be remote lol. Talk about stupidity. 9 months ago
No, it is just incompetence. There’s a serious disconnect between the people making the return to office call and the people dealing with it. The thinking is that, over years, the talent lost will be replaced and the backlash will subside and whatever reason they have for the RTO is more important than these.
The trouble with the software industry upper management is that they never haven’t had to deal with an industry in trouble. They’ve been working in a rapidly growing industry for their whole career. Bad decisions matter very little in such environments so they think they don’t make any. 9 months ago
Also most of these people in management roles seldom are the ones doing anything. A lot of them are either HR MBA type people, or sales. They don’t know anything of how a company actually works, what the jobs entail, or how to run a company.
Usually these companies all run in spite of them doing their best efforts to make it run as awful as possible. 9 months ago
Most of the VPs in my local Corpo are all politicians. They speak in buzzwords and value hearing themselves speak over hearing any feedback from people lower than them in the hierarchy. The disconnection between upper management and everyone else is greater than it’s ever been and it’s only getting worse.