Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months ago
It was actually the first fallout game I played, and I’ve replayed it a couple times since then, I really like it.
That’s a great came to play for the first time, especially with qol mods. 9 months ago
Any QoL mods you’d recommend?
I play F4 with Vivid Fallout for better textures, Load Accelerator and the Unofficial patch mod.
What are must have QoL mods that that don’t alter the vanilla experience too much? 9 months ago
I played f3 and 4 next to each other, so it can’t remember exactly which was which, but removing the tint over everything outside was huge, visibility immediately increased, the sky was blue, everything was more aesthetically appealing.
I really liked adding the weather mods in so it rained or snowed, and then textures. I didn’t change too much, but with an improved look and distance, everything felt more fun and immersive.
It sounds like that vivid mod you have did pretty much all of that