There is a limited amount of machine guns manufactured before May 19, 1986.
Comment on Student Who Was Suspended for Saying 'Illegal Alien' Hits Back Against School District in Court 9 months agoYou specialize in taking the smallest distraction you can to derail a discussion.
You made a false claim.
Owning a machine gun isn’t hard. You just fill out the forms and wait for the background check. It isn’t practically impossible unless you have a criminal history.
The word should is a silly word to use. You can legally own one in this country. How often do you hear of an RPG being used in a crime and they are legal to own? 9 months ago 9 months ago
Goddamn that’s funny coming from you.
Meanwhile you continue to focus on a distraction. Is this thread about guns? Then focus on the topic. 9 months ago
Then why did you bring them up? I don’t get why lefties feel the need to bring up irrelevant things to try to make a personal attack and then scree when called out on it.
I don’t make personal attacks. 9 months ago
You’re the funniest clown in this circus.