Comment on There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and our favorite song might still be out there. ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’m an uber driver. I had a passenger and we got to discussing what kind of music she likes. She said “Little Wing” so I told Siri to play some “Little Wing”. Of course Siri knew what I was asking for and played some Lil Wayne.

Passenger said she liked Lil Wayne because he’s got different moods. “Sometimes I just wanna chill, you know? Like it ain’t gotta be all go-go-go all the time you know?”

So I asked her if she’d heard any BB King before. She said “Who’s that?” So I told Siri to play The Thrill is Gone by BB King.

She was like “Ooooooh! This is chill as fuck thank you!”

I had just learned about BB King the previous day from another passenger, when I had the Grateful Dead playing some blues. The passenger from the day before was an old hippie, and she was telling me about seeing BB King and Led Zeppelin at a place called The Psychedelic Supermarket in Salem, MA back in the 70s.

I also showed this younger passenger Since I’ve Been Loving You by Led Zeppelin. She was so stoked to have some new music to get her friends to chill to, since they all into that go-go-go music all the time.

I love being someone in a position to introduce people to new music. I love my job.
