Yep. It’s not the way of life, it’s the pretentious self-righteousness, and most people aren’t that way. Is like the ‘bad Christians’ fucking it up for all the ones that are basically love-and-forgiveness believers that are largely benign.
Most people - Christians, vegans, meat eaters - are generally pretty chill. It’s the inciters that suck. [bot] 9 months ago
All the vegans and vegetarians I’ve met in real life were chill dudes and dudettes. One was an engineer and semi-pro skateboarder that was always making people feel good and happy. Another one was a solid rock climber always smiling.
I know more annoying people complaining about vegans, always grumpy and being proud of always eating meat. I also know this cool swing dance instructor girl who only eats meat, so it’s also good. 9 months ago
I actually know a vegan engineer and vegetarian rock climber, too! Had several great dinners and lunches with them both!