Comment on What’s happening at Tesla? Here’s what experts think. 10 months agoThat’s like saying that Apple started the home computer competition going.
There’s a big difference between bucking trends and skipping steps for the sake of being different, and actually moving the industry forward.
Under a non-sociopathic leadership Tesla battery and engine tech would have been in most Western car brands by now.
Instead, let’s look at what Tesla has really brought us:
- electric tech that’s today just one (rather unremarkable) version among many;
- failing cruising tech (I don’t even want to use “self driving” because that’s pure marketing drivel);
- abysmal build quality and customer support;
- rising car and insurance prices;
- lots of car tech moved from hardware into software, which means surveillance, lower quality, lower usability and ergonomy;
- and last but not least a whole lot of shirking responsibility.
That’s the Tesla legacy that the car industry has inherited. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Tesla’s biggest move was that they were willing to actually compete with an EV. GM released one in the 90s and seriously go look into it. Everyone who bought it fucking loved the thing. But gm killed the project and destroyed the vehicles.
Tesla actually took sales away from ices. That forced them to actually sell them