@Legonatic@lemmy.world @birdcannon@lemmy.world - you might want to take a close look at Bitwig. It’s a top-notch DAW developed by former Ableton developers. I hear it’s fairly similar workflow to Ableton, but also that it’s better in certain ways. This is without even taking into consideration that Bitwig supports Linux. I don’t have any association with Bitwig, don’t even own it (yet?), but just wanted to let you know.
I think I’ve heard that some VST support may be tricky though. I could be misremembering, but also worth researching.
Drummyralf@lemmy.world 10 months ago
I feel you man. I’ve finally used Cubase enough to get proficiently fast at editing stuff, and I can’t get it to work on Mint. It is quite the dilemma. From what I’ve seen from Bitwig, I still might switch though. It looks a lot like Ableton, but I much prefer Bitwig’s UI. And my most used plugins (arturia stuff) happens to run without any hassle on Wine (for now).
Still, I’ll probably keep dual booting for a while. I have so many Cubase projects backed up that I don’t feel like converting all to Bitwig projects.