Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time?

<- View Parent ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’ve been using gboard swiping for idk how many years now and I have no issues with it. There are some words that will less common to get right like say as vs ad or weed vs we’d but it’s so quick and easy to press the erase key and then swipe it again. If you do a swipe and then erase it, I’ve found that it never picks that word again no matter how many reswipes until you’ve decided on that word and moved on. So if I did want we’d but got weed earlier, weed goes back into the normal prediction priority or whatever as soon as I’ve moved past we’d.

Or even if I swipe and it isn’t the right word, the autocorrect bar will be words very similar to the swipe motion I did. I find it has the right word in that bar (if I didn’t get the right word in the first place) probably 90% of the time. Similar suggestions by swipe shape also remain for the duration of, eh… that keyboard session for lack of a better term? You lose it if you close the keyboard or switch apps. So if you’re just trucking along doing your swiping and notice later that it picked a word incorrectly, you can still go back to it and have the swipe shape-based recommendations.

I have no idea if this stuff is how it works out of the box or if it’s because of customization settings I did but it works really well and makes phone typing pretty easy.
