Comment on California Loses Nearly 10,000 Fast-Food Jobs After $20 Minimum Wage Signed Last Fall 10 months ago@wintermute_oregon Eh. From what I remember, they were definitely needed at the time they were introduced, and I think getting rid of them will lead to the same problem today.
A better practice would be to keep the minimum wage static, and then stop contributing to inflation, although to be fair to #California, that problem is caused largely by the federal government, not the state itself. 10 months ago
They were introduced to prevent black people from getting jobs over white people by having a lower pay. That is the history of the minimum wage. 10 months ago
@wintermute_oregon I'm not seeing anything about that.
This lines up pretty well with my understanding of how minimum wage came about: 10 months ago…/racist-history-minimum-wage-laws 10 months ago
@wintermute_oregon Key facts here check out, thanks!
I still agree that the changes were needed at the time though, the lower class at the time was essentially a slave class due to low levels of pay. People were being paid so little that young children were forced to work in factories in order for households to make ends meet.