Comment on Text-based games!(?) ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

If you’ve never tried a MUD, there are still a few out there that are alive and kickin’. Funny enough, I’ve been scratching that itch over the last few days and seeing whats out there.

If I had to guess, I’d say Aardwolf is probably the most populated and and has the most users online at any given time. I have an old char on there that I occasionally log into and run some quests on:

I just created a character in Alter Aeon and it’s alright so far, but I haven’t spent more than about an hour logged in:

I don’t know how people generally feel about Iron Realms Entertainment. Some or all of their MUDs end up with you kind of having to spend some money if you get super engaged, but I’m pretty sure most of their games are perfectly fine without paying for casual players. They have a handful of MUDs that cover different themes (classic fantasy, vampire stuff, etc). I actually tried out Starmourn recently, but I think they’re no longer developing it actively - the servers remain up (for now, at least, I guess):
