The problem is some people only believe in free speech for their ideas. They want to censor the other side.
I believe in free speech but disruptions should be prevented.
Reddit took a weird approach to Covid which caused a lot of misinformation to proliferate with any discussion.
People were banned if they questioned the efficacy of masks. Leading experts in the field were saying they were not effective. Yet, Reddit was trying to determine what the “truth” was.
I believe it should be discussed. Now we it resorts to just name calling or cliche such as follow the science. It needs to be put down.
Passing ideas and debate are good for society. 1 year ago
The government doesn't like people questioning the narrative and I think a lot of these moves by social media platforms are an attempted method to train people to behave that way. 1 year ago
I don’t mind the blocking of the crazy crap like it’s muzzles. That was stupid or at least keep it in the conspiracy style forums.
The debate around if a cloth mask more or does an N95 mask work is a good discussion.
Instead of talking about the topics. It was just banning anyone who disagreed even when studies were cited. 1 year ago
I think educating people to identify and ignore the insane opinions should be the end goal