Comment on I just heard about Brazilian Butt Lifts which is a procedure where they take fat deposits from somewhere on your body and place it in your butt? ⁨4⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I have no knowledge of Brazilian Butt Lifts specifically, but here is some related information about how fat works in general, which I hope is a good starting point:

Fat cells don’t die easily. They just shrink. See:…/study-new-fat-cells-are-created-q…

When performing skin grafts, fat cells retain the characteristics of the original skin location. For example, here is a paper that shows a soldier who had a skin graft from his stomach to his hand, and later developed a kind of “beer gut” on his hand. Content warning: graphic images of open surgery in related articles section if you scroll down. If you are even a little squeamish, do not scroll down. ……/does_transferred_fat_retain_properties…
