Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months agoNewPipe app is a good one, or Tubular if you want sponsor block too (though you can’t comment or like videos etc. on either). But if you want to use the actual YT app, the solutions in the other comments are good. I assume that setting up a Pihole or some other ad-blocking DNS could also work. 10 months ago
Pi-hole does not block content that is hosted on the same source as the ads. Youtube, hulu and friends host their own ad services so it wont spare you from those. However people using ad services like google adsense on their website will have content blocked as DNS will resolve to the place your trying to go and the webpage asyn-loading its ads will not. 10 months ago
Thanks for confirming! I haven’t used the actual YT app in such a long time, so I haven’t been able to confirm whether my DNS solution works.